
School++ signed GoodSchoolManifesto

We’ve joined the list of good schools in our country! Good School Manifesto initiative has developed a criteria that help to decide whether the course, educational institution or projects are qualitative and meet the expectations of a student. This way, students can choose a special place that gives them truly excellent knowledge and takes the …


School++ Issues Diplomas

From now on, ‌all our ‌alumni ‌will‌ ‌receive‌ ‌diplomas.‌ ‌Those ‌who‌ have already graduated ‌(since 2018‌‌) ‌will also be able to obtain confirmation of their ‌work‌ 🙂 We still hold the opinion that a diploma is not obligatory. The most important thing is that we give knowledge, which will help to change the profession or …


Online First Meeting for Two Cities

This has never happened before: we had to start teaching people online. Moreover, we carried the first meeting for peer-to-peer course online in two cities at the same time. 40 students from Kropyvnytskyi and Ivano-Frankivsk took part in the first meeting online and now they are learning by the adapted Stanford course. The course meant …


We Created Our Own Crowdfunding Platform

The whole world slows down but we try to use this time wisely. One of the results productive work of our team, graduates and volunteers from ONIX company is the website where you can support SHPP and KOWO ― In order to hold our project Vesnasoft (IT-fest for youth), we used the crowdfunding portal …


Not Much of a Spring Bit of News

Finally, Ш++ mentors declare their participation in Hacktoberfest! Our ongoing volunteers Andrii Chudinovskykh and Yura Dehtiar have been given T-shirts and stickers for their participation in the global hackathon Hacktoberfest that took place back in October 2019. We could have not posted about this and just celebrate those guys but this is a very important …


Who can become a developer faster and easier

Web developers and mentors of “Ш++” Nastya Pereverzeiva and Yuriy Degtyar have shared their thoughts about the following questions: “For whom is it easier to become a developer?”, “How soon can one get a job after finishing our courses?”. And also the have told us some interesting stories about our graduates. Nastya teaches the basics …


Summary of 2019

Before we leave 2019 and begin a new year, it is important that we take a moment and remember the positive accomplishments of the past year as we prepare for an even brighter 2020.  Studying  Our team has experienced some fantastic changes this past year. We have spent many hours, days, weeks and months working …