7-9 October the largest hackathon in Ukraine was held in Kiev. Within 48 hours programmers, designers, entrepreneurs and enterprising people embodied the projects which can make our lives easier. Team Creative IT-KOWO space together with a representative Hub Lab Odessa opened the workshop created a mobile application and Web version Hackathon.best. We were working not …

Spring-Summer 2016
As always — briefly and quickly about recent news and upcoming events 🙂 On May 21 we traditionally have gathered to hack on Vesna-Soft 2016. This year, the participants have been creating AI during the Event — they’ve been programming the behaviour of robo-tanks on the battlefield. It was quite a challenging thing 🙂 And …

Winter events
We worked a lot and learned a lot, made friends with the Brainbasket foundation and are now helping them with their Technology Nation project. Overall, this winter went rather quiet. More recently, we started to hold a new meetup on a regular basis, which we call Dev Meetup. These are short weekly meetups where anyone …

November and Its Few Events
In addition to launching two new adult student groups, in the last two weeks we held three rather big events. On November 4th we agreed to host one of the stages in the national programming tournament, where 8 teams from all over Ukraine gathered for a three-day competition. One of their tasks was to write …

IBC 2015
Recently one of us got a chance to attend IBC business conference. It was held in Amsterdam with 1700 company booths and over 55000 attendees. We couldn’t resist showing off: IBC has a web-based portal for its attendees that is supposed to be used for networking between companies and getting additional info about each other, …

Summer highlights
A lot of things have happened… We finally assembled two student groups for our new studying program based on Stanford Computer Science courses. For the first part of our CS program, we developed our own student portal and a custom version of Karel the Robot, which is a small computer program used to introduce students …
Vesna-Soft 2015
May 23th was the day of ‘Vesna-Soft 2015’ festival. And it was held in our own coworking space KOWO! Kids and adults were participating in competition based on famous untrusted quest for developers. Others were playing with LEGO robots presented by team from Nova Praga. Students of ‘Ш++’ school were presenting their projects too (hexapod …

Spring time in Ш++
Time is the most valuable resource and posting news is low-priority task as usual 🙂 Huge things are happening, some of them are below… We’ve been awarded on IT Jam in Kiev, helped JS Lab organizers in Odessa, took a course of first aid from the Red Cross, and also organized some hackathons. Our young …

New School, new rules
We have finally moved to new location! Here we get significantly more space and sunlight, very comfortable 🙂 But the most important thing is internal transformation which had place in our School. First of all we are going to open own creative space (coworking) to have more joy living and working here together. Next, we’re …

New horizons
According to recent VK quiz we understood that people are not so much interested in VK quizes. They care about our future, and that is so… motivating! We want to revolutionize many aspects of our school, give more opportunities to grown-ups and kids. Want to know some details? Then please contact us 🙂