This year more volunteers have joined us, more guests have come than in 2018, we have prepared a lot of quests and we have analyzed the fuck ups of the festival in a week after the event.
Now about everything in order.
With the help and trust of people in us and Vesnasoft we have collected a little more than 30,000 hryvnas at the crowdfunding platform. 40 volunteers joined our team. They help in carrying out quests (more than 30 different stands with tasks), cleaning, registering, making sure everyone wasn`t hungry, replacing those who were very tired. And this is incredible! People are incredible! A large number of all of us allowed the festival car to get under way 🙂 According to our calculations, about 700 people came to us this year (in the past we met about 600). Perhaps even more people could come to the fest. But we think the number could be bigger. There were a lot of events in the city on the 18th of May. Have you visited Vesnasoft? 🙂
In addition to invited exhibitors from schools, universities of the city and region, we also came up with many interesting simple and complex tasks that needed to be completed and given a mark for them (by collecting the maximum number of marks you could take part in the prize draw).
While children and adults had fun at the exhibition and completed quests, participants performed a task in the interactive competitions in which it was necessary to create a small three-dimensional creation from 100 different blocks in a three-dimensional world. Participants were given 5 hours to complete the task.
IT competition winners:
1st place – Dima Karaush, who created not a simple three-dimensional cube.
2nd place – Igor Zabudko and Zhenya Molchanyuk, which created an animated dragon, who flew around the room, waving his wings.
3rd place – Cyril Avramenko and Denis Yashchenko created a rocket.
This year the winners of competitions and quests received virtual reality glasses, backpacks, headphones, branded T-shirts, running bottles, notebooks, caps, stickers as gifts.
This may sound like an advertisement, but all-Ukrainian and local companies supported us with gifts and food for participants and volunteers. We do not earn money on holding the festival. Therefore every year we are looking for partners, we are looking for volunteers. There are the companies that support social projects not only for PR. Therefore, with gratitude and a lot of hugs, we thank the company:
Onix-Systems, Faino Market, Hot Peppers Grill Pub, Code Club UA, 200×300 – design and animation studio, Netrocket – Internet Marketing Agency, Advection.net, Dynamicstreaming.net, Kinect.PRO, Krop Half Marathon, IPosters – best poster for you, Frame Studio Kropyvnytskyi, to every volunteer, to every donator!!!
Of course, there were bloopers, we talked about them, it was not the first time that we had some rakes 🙂 But that was awesome! We love what we do. And we will continue 🙂
Vesnasoft is sooooo cool!
P.S. photos from the photozone is here.
photos from volunteers here and here.