As always — briefly and quickly about recent news and upcoming events 🙂
On May 21 we traditionally have gathered to hack on Vesna-Soft 2016. This year, the participants have been creating AI during the Event — they’ve been programming the behaviour of robo-tanks on the battlefield. It was quite a challenging thing 🙂 And of course, we couldn’t do without the traditional presentations of projects. And we are already preparing for Vesna-Soft 2017 😉
We have held the second Ukrainian Conference of JavaScript and have already started to think about the next one (by the way, there were lots of talks about functional programming! ^_^).
Moving on! Just a few weeks ago the IT Career Day had taken place in the creative space KOWO. It is important to understand the process of recruitment in companies, what mistakes to avoid for effective job searching, how to “sell” yourself to a company. We had invited great experts, both local and from Kyiv.
Every Friday at 17:00 we continue to our DevMeetUp tradition, discussing new great stuff in IT and beyond. We’d be glad to see and hear you there too!
Recently, we have printed a lot of things on our 3D-printer. We’re improving our skills constantly and embodying different ideas, so have already printed locks, a Ferris wheel, a crossbow and even cryptex!
We working on creating thing withArduino and are going to arrange a competition for anyone interested in robotics. Follow the news 😉
KOWO is not limited to IT events — this spring modern Ukrainian writers Yuri Izdryk and Irina Cilyk visited our city and held a presentation here (there were other events too, of course).
… And we are already in the process of forming the new student group for studying at the programming school “Ш++” . This means a lot of new fun stuff coming soon!
What stayed out of the news is the atmosphere of creativity and unforgettable evenings when we were staying at school together and hacking so many interesting things… It was cool and it will be even better. Good luck!